Drag[en]gine Release 1.25
Released: 2025-03-15
- Added support to share logs of failed game runs for support.
- Integrated Remote Launcher support into android launcher.
- Added support to download example apps directly from within the android launcher for quickly testing engine functionality.
- Rewrote android launcher support with is now kotlin based code base using Android UI.
- DPIscaling awareness against default android DPI of 160.
- Added GenericBehaviorElementClass allowing all supported behavior factories.
- Added support for XML element classes (*.deeclass) to add behaviors.
- Added support for behavior factories and updated all behaviors to provide a factory.
- Improved ECPStringList to accept list type value in addition to string type value.
- Adding simple conversation support to ECBehaviorConversation.
- Added simple conversation support (*.desconvo).
- Modified ECBehaviorParameterTable to not add empty parameter if getParameterValue() function is called.
- Added removeNonRunningLookAts() to ConversationLookAtPlayback.
- Added setDefaultFromLongest() to EnumListElementRenderer to simplify setting the default size for non-stretched combo boxes or list boxes.
- Fixed removing windows from desktop while user click-drags it can cause exception.
- Fix for actor mover not setting next plane normal if path is empty to begin with.
- Fixed sky shader missing inverse depth define.
- Modified shaders to avoid over-zealous warnings on compilers.
- Improved shader error logging.
- Prevent requesting compute shader support since some smartphones are overzealous in their checks.
- Use glTexStorage* if possible for OpenGL ES compatibility.
- Remove SSBO usage in geometry shader since android devices often do not support this.
- Added support for parallel shader compiling to speed up the process on android phones.
- Optimized cache locking to speed up loading times.
- Lots of shader fixes and other fixes to deal with OpenGL ES being very strict and limited.
- Updated to OpenAL 1.24.2 .
- Added note on how to create grayscale images.
- Upstream fix for the problem in the form of a patch until the next release.
- Added support to load XML element classes (*.deeclass) containing behaviors.
Blender Scripts
- Modified export animation auto frame range calculation to be on the safe side.