Changelog Release 1.7

Changelog 1.7.1 Drag[en]gine Game Engine and IGDE release.

Released: 2021-11-15

Drag[en]gine Release 1.7.1

Features Added


  • Adjust launcher games path to be usable with MSIX installing.
  • Windows MSIX installer support.
  • Location based input event. Allows to distinguish between inputs keys in different locations producing the same key event like left and right shift key.

Rig Editor

  • Added missing bone IK constrainst support.
  • Added IK limits support to "bone import from file" and "bone mirroring" menu actions.
  • Improved finding mirror bone with more left/right pairings.

Blender Scripts

  • Hardened against bung in Blender (corrupt data) causing scripts to fail.
  • Modified blender addon archive file to "blender-addon-dragengine-{version}.zip" to allow addon to be downloaded individually and to tell versions apart.

Bug Fixes

Animator Editor

  • Fixed animator not being assigned to animator instance at creation time. Happened only the first time a controller had been added/removed.

Rig Editor

  • Fixed wrong threshold in angular dof limits.

Changelog 1.7 Drag[en]gine Game Engine and IGDE release.

Released: 2021-11-06

Drag[en]gine Release 1.7

Features Added


  • In deAnimatorController.setRange changed throwing exception if max
  • Added support to ignore colliders in particle emitter instances.

DragonScript Script Module

  • Added FileSystem.getFileExtensions(ResourceLoaderType) support to allow file browsers to obtain all supported file extensions for a specific resource type in a structured form.
  • Added support to set minimum default size for DefaultListElementRenderer. This helps with ListBox becoming too narrow if default object can not be set without extra effort.
  • Added Camera.getMatrix().
  • Added forEach(), forEachCastable() and find support to ElementClassList.
  • Added support to ECBehaviorRenderablePanel and
    ECBehaviorRenderableDesktop to set solidity renderable. This
    uses the regular renderable content transparency as grayscale image. This can be used to create transparent HUDs or holographic displays with fully or partially transparent content.
  • Added WindowVirtualKeyboard with TextWidget supported.
  • Added ComboBox.setSelectFromEditorOnDropDown() to improve performance with larger lists.
  • Added Animation.getMoveCount(), Animation.getMoveName() and Animation.indexOfMoveNamed().
  • Added tool tip support to Widget. Tool tips are objects so String, StyledTextDocument or custom clases can be used.
  • Added support for MousePointerListener to Desktop widget.
  • Added support to set DebugDrawer shape from Model resource.
  • Added mouse listeners to manipulate ElementCameraDirector. Each navigation type (pan, rotate, zoom) is one listener to allow various combinations and configurations.
  • Added positiveNumber and digitsNegative to SimpleTextValidator.
  • Modified WindowPopup.popup() to show inside desktop area by default.
  • Added FileSystem.browseOverlay(), FileSystem.browseCapture() and FileSystem.browseConfig() to allow applications
    to request open a native operating system browser for a specific path in their overlay, capture or config directory.
  • Improved DefaultBindingHelper with bindButton() supporting button type for example to bind first stick button.
  • Added ECBehaviorVRHandLaserPointer. BaseVRActor has
    now by default a laser pointer for each hand which is initially disabled.
  • Added VR hand laser pointer support. BaseVRActor has now by default a laser pointer for each hand which is initially disabled.
  • Added apply post think support to ECBehaviorAnimated to support animations depending on physics calculations.
  • Added ECBehaviorControlDesktop to allow interacting
    with ECBehaviorRenderableDesktop using look-at/point-at type interaction.
  • Added ECBehaviorVRHandPointAt and ECBehaviorVRHandPointedAt similar to ECBehaviorLookAt and ECBehaviorLookedAt but tracking if a hand controller points at something.
  • Added WarmUpTime element class parameter to ECComposeParticleEmitter and thus to ECBehaviorParticleEmitter.
  • Modified EditBindingsListBox to support double-click to select binding in addition to pressing RETURN or gamepad button.
  • Modified ClickedActionListener to support multi-clicks.
  • Added ECBehaviorActorTransmission to allow scripts to display sub-title texts outside conversation scripts for example to to frobbing comments.

OpenGL Module

  • Added "vrRenderScale" parameter allowing to adjust the VR render size relative to the one desired by SteamVR from 50% to 100%.
  • Added "vrForceFrameRate" parameter to overrule the automatic frame rate switching. Useful to force a lower frame rate if the automatic frame rate switcher switches too often.
  • Added solidity.filterPriority texture property to help in situations where mip-map filtering causes troubles.
  • Removed max lod error per level restriction since it conflicts with custom high lod error values set and is anyways redundant now.

World Editor

  • Changed default height terrain height scale to 100m.

Bug Fixes

OpenGL Module

  • Fixed problem with renderable canvas with transparency (4 components) not being fully covered by children canvas.
    Forces a clean with (0,0,0,0) now.
  • Fixed problem with using different camera for VR than for regular canvas world renderer.
  • Fixed "solidity.multiplier" texture parameter not affecting solidity if image source is not used.
  • Hardened against potential problems with OpenGL resource deletion.

Vulkan Shared

  • Replaced all vulkan specific use of nullptr with VK_NULL_HANDLE to deal with some compilers not liking it.

OpenVR Module

  • Fixed issue with some compilers disliking implicit casting of nullptr to function pointers.

Bullet Module

  • Fixed collider scaling not properly applied to shapes.

DragonScript Script Module

  • Fixed ComboBox not showing correct selected value in all situations if editor is used.
  • Fixed WorldRenderer project()/backProject() not using padding.
  • Fixed DefaultListModel.sort/sorted not updating the selected element index.
  • Disable text validator checking on deleting characters. Causes otherwise deletion to be prevented if text is already too long.
  • Force parent state update notification on children widget tree if enabled changed on Container.
  • Fixed changing DefaultListModel content not always triggering selection changed notification properly.
  • Hardened ECBehaviorLookAt against looked-at element being disposed while being looked at.


  • Fixed Issue 13: Install v1.6 over v1.4 selects old modules by default.

World Editor

  • Fixed ComboBox not updating selected object in the value/editor widget if notifyContentChanged() is called with indices
    containing the selected object index.
  • Fixed height terrain gui category not being updated.
  • Fixed exception in height terrain dialog if height terrain path is not set and world has not been saved yet.
  • Fixed scaling going weird with SetClass undo action.

Particle Emitter Editor

  • Fixed exception while adding types due to engine emitter not being properly cleared.
  • Fixed controller upper text field incorrectly setting controller lower value.