Drag[en]gine Release 1.11
Released: 2022-03-21
Features Added
DragonScript Module
- Added WindowDialog.reorderList() allowing to show a dialog for reordering, for example if only a ComboBox shows the model otherwise.
- Added popup menu and menu bar support.
- Deprecated ToggleButtonGroup and added OptionGroupModel which does the same but using ToggleModel instead of ToggleButton.
- Improved GridLayout to support reverse layout axes.
- Modified Desktop.requestCaptureMouse() to update hover widget. this ensures capture widget is the hover widget.
- Added support to reorder list box elements using a mouse listener.
- Added clipboard support. Added Area clipboard and Shift+Arrow selection support to TextArea.
- Added more introspection functions to Rig.
- Added DefaultListModel.move(Object,int) and DefaultListModel.collect(Block) functions.
OpenVR Module
- Hardened against disabled use. Disabling vr though is not recommended as steamvr always crashes when vr is disabled.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed deRigBone default lower limit to be 360 not 1.
DragonScript Module
- Fixed bug in BaseVRActor assigning right hand laser pointer twice and left one never.
- Fixed wrong checks in ECBehaviorGrabSpot.
- Fixed attach slot trying to attach attachable using rig attach mode (bone weight transfer) if attachable is not a ColliderRig or does not have bones. this should better handle a wider range of uses.
- Fixed ECBehaviorGrabber missing saving of grab spot.
Bullet Physics Module
- Fixed BevelCanvasCreator leaving 1 pixel empty border around background (missing set thickness to 0).
- Proper handling of hovering in WindowPopup.
- Ensured BorderLayout does not apply gaps if ajoining areas are invisible.
- Fixed ToggleButton not applying toggled state of model if set in constructor.
- Fixed check/option-box showing gap if no text/image is used.
- Fixed Desktop.getHoverWidget() returning null if hover widget is disabled. caused layout stack overflow.
- Fixed missing deg-rad conversion for constraint limits.
- Fixing bugs in RigBuilder and ColliderConstraint.
- Modified the combo box listener fix to work for both situations.
Rig Module
- Fixed skip-default-value check not correct on limits.
Blender Scripts
- Fixed rig shape export not using global scale.
Drag[en]gine Release 1.11.1
GUI Launcher
- Support relative game files provided on command line.
- Windows application protocol handling does not decode URL.
- Missing adding command line arguments after delga file as game arguments for running.
DragonScript Module
- Removed load/save of hands pointing at ECBehaviorVRHandPointedAt since this makes no sense and runs the risk of resolve exceptions being thrown.
- Patch for localtime_r workaround bug.
- Added InputDeviceButton.GetTouchable to allow scripts to determine if an input device supports sending touch/untouch events openxr/openvr: set button touchable state if actions are assigned.
- Moved distribution files to dedistribute repository.
- Linux launcher for distribution.
- Modified install scripts to remove first old files.
- Fixed Haiku launcher build problems.
- Fix for graphic system data retrieval struct under Haiku.