Drag[en]gine Release 1.14
Released: 2022-08-12
Animation Module
- Fixed incorrect save animation.
OpenGL Module
- Improved stereo rendering performance. Two optimizations can be selected depending on GPU support ("Dual Rendering" or "Geometry Shader Duplication").
- Added fix for nVidia/Intel GPUs causing 3.3 core context to be selected although higher core contexts are supported.
- Fixed bloom blur shader weights not being normalized correctly causing bloom blur to raise intensity a lot.
- Compute shaders are now mandatory to be supported by the GPU. In the near future various calculations will be moved to compute shaders.
DragonScript Module
- Fixed ECBehaviorGrabSpot disabling collider if element is invisible which is wrong (only if not touchable.
- Fixed ECBehaviorAnimated not applying animator if controller has 0 length.
- Fixed wrong documentation of EffectOverlayImage.
- Removed hoverWidet not-null exception in Desktop.removeWidget() since this can cause exceptions in situations where this is possible.
- Fixed tool tip manager being behind by one frame potentially causing tool tips to not hide properly.
- Modified ToolTipManager to allow null popup widget to be set and to call onToolTipChanged() for better subclassing.
Bullet Module
- Fixed relative movement collider attachment not working correctly if collider is attached in the same frame update the parent collider is moved in.
- Fixed collider volume not updating bullet shape if scale changed.
Network Module
- Added ipv6 support.