This release has the following major additions besides other improvements and fixes:
- Simple Conversations
- Behavior Factories
- Android support
The full changelog you can find here: Changelog Release 1.25
Simple Conversations
Simple conversations provide a quicker and easier way to create simple conversations compared to using the Conversation Editor. In contrary to regular conversations simple conversations are created using XML files. Yet they are still regular conversations but using an XML syntax and a converter which creates regular conversations for you.
This new system allows you to create good looking conversations faster, without using editors, purely based on XML files which are easy to translate.
All the in-depth information about this new system you can find on the Simple Conversation Wiki Page.
Behavior Factories
XML Element classes allow to create new element classes using an XML file (*.deeclass) instead of writing script code. Scripted element classes can be also assigned now a list of Behavior Factories. This allows the user to add behaviors to XML element classes directly if they are in the list of allowed behavior factories. The DragonScript module provides now the GenericBehaviorElement script class which contains all behavior factories provided by the game engine. You can also create factories for your own behaviors to use them inside XML element classes.
With behavior factories you can now move element class creation fully to XML files. This is faster, allows better documenting and is easy to use with automation scripts or export scripts.
All the in-depth information about this new system you can find on the Behavior Factories Wiki Page.